Monday, December 12, 2016

Here's What I Plan to Read and Watch This Week (12/12 - 12/18)

T-minus 13 days until Christmas!

This was an off week for me, and it’s all because of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.  A friend alerted me that the play was being shown in Chicago on Sunday, and by Monday I was checking out the touring schedule and attempting to justify an abrupt trip to Chicago to see the production.  After three days of flip-flopping, I booked cheap train tickets, an inexpensive hotel on Michigan Avenue, and grabbed a third row ticket to the Saturday matinee. 

It was great.

I say that because, while contemplating this spontaneous trip, I didn’t leave much time for me to watch movies or read books.  In all, I ended up reading one book and watching four movies.  You’ll never guess which book I read…


The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time: B+.  I read the book back in early 2015 and enjoyed it with some reservations, but I’ve always been interested in seeing the stage adaptation.  When I got the chance to read the play at a local library, I jumped at the chance.  It’s a great play that is both faithful to the original and a separate entity.  The only thing I didn’t like about the play is that it didn’t contain as many stage directions as it should.  The stage show is non-linear and will shift scenes at the drop of a hat (it works in context and isn’t confusing), but the written play doesn’t let you know when a scene ends and when one begins.

I also attempted to read The Christmas Shoes.  Three pages in, I went “nope” and never looked back.


Blue Jay: B+. What's up with the black and whi...oh my gosh, I'm already in love with this awkward opening sce...oh shit Duplass is working it hardco...oh god I love how simple this I watching a play...NO DON'T MAKE ME FEEL THINGS MOV...gah!

Life, Animated: C+. Inspiring, yet the film runs out of steam quick with its subject. Still, those animation scenes, and that sidekick story, tugged at the heart strings.

The Boss: F. Okay, I'm throwing in the towel. I've been a big Melissa McCarthy supporter/apologist since Bridesmaids. I thought she was good in The Heat and Ghostbusters. I loved her in St. Vincent! That said, I have to stop watching slapstick films starring Melissa for my own sanity. This isn't the only bad Melissa McCarthy film I've sat through (I'll have you know I miraculously finished Identity Thief in one sitting, and I circled around the theater twice deciding if I could justify catching Tammy before opting for Unfriended), but this is the first time I felt guilty for watching a film starring her. It's depressing to think about how few laughs there are in this script. It's going to keep me up at night to think that they hired Kathy Bates and then forgot her character existed without the hint of a resolution, or that Peter Dinklage's agent would read this script and with a good conscience pass it along to their client. This isn't just a misfire; this is showing up to target practice at the wrong building, and you left your gun at home anyway.

Hardcore Henry: F. I want to apologize for giving The Boss an F earlier this week. I would rather watch that film on an endless loop than to see even 30 seconds of this piece of shit. I can't decide what aspect of the film was the worst: the script, the camerawork, the godawful special effects, or the piss poor acting. If I see a performance worse than Sharlto Copley's this year, I'm just going to stop watching films and become a monk. I watched it because I knew it was getting some mixed notices, and erred on the side of optimism. I respect everyone's opinion and to each his own, but I'd rather watch a 90-minute film that shows people 69 fisting and shitting on each other than to see this film again.

The past couple weeks has shown me blatantly disregarding what I plan to read and watch, so this might be irrelevant.  Anyway…


A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens:  I’m convinced that I need to read a Christmas book this month.  This seems more likely than The Christmas Shoes.  I had to read this once in elementary school and once in high school, so it’ll be interesting to re-visit this as an adult.

Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff:  For real this time.


Miss Sloane:  I’ll check this out eventually…

Why Him:  I got invited to see this last week, but right before going I got invited to see it at a much closer theater this week.  Again, this movie looks especially stupid, so my expectations are very low.  At least it’s free? 

Rogue One, A Star Wars Story: Like Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, I’m hoping to go during a time where it’s not cray-cray.  I enjoyed Episode VII last year, so I’m hoping for two decent Star Wars films in a row.

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