Monday, March 20, 2017

"Kong: Skull Island" movie review


A film with the title Kong: Skull Island doesn’t need much clarification.  You know it’s going to be a standard monster movie, and without watching any of the trailers, or looking at the movie poster, you can infer that it will be one of the many remakes of King Kong—and Skull Island implies copious amounts of bloodshed and casualties. Oddly, the movie poster does try to make this movie appear like more of a bigger deal than it is; by ripping off the famous Apocalypse Now poster, it seems to suggest that this monster movie is going to artier than you’d expect.

Regardless of the promotional elements, and the fact that this film is inexplicably set in 1973 during the fallout of the Vietnam War, Kong: Skull Island plays out exactly as I thought it would:  a bunch of foolish people arrive on an island claimed by the eponymous King Kong, who retaliates by killing everyone real good.

All of that said, is the movie good enough to recommend?  As far as B-movies go, this is endlessly entertaining.  Although it doesn’t contain a single second of genuine terror, the visual effects are good, the acting is as good as it needs to be, and the two hour runtime breezes past.  You have Tom Hiddleston, who is introduced as a badass who can beat up two men at the same time, which is apparently the only qualifications needed to do battle with Kong.  You have Brie Larson, who followed up her Oscar-winning role in Room to co-star as an anti-war photographer who stares off in the distance and snaps a picture.  You have John Goodman, who knew about these monsters on Skull Island for years but nobody would give him the funds to support this mission. You have John C. Reilly, who crash-landed on the island during World War II and managed to survive this entire time.  You have Samuel L. Jackson, who plays his typical role as a hardened Colonel who is looking for revenge, and will shout at everyone to get his way.

From the first fight sequence, which really shows you how outlandish the action promises to be, Kong: Skull Island hooked me in.  It’s not a great movie by any stretch, but it’s so enjoyable for those of us who like watching especially stupid movies at times.  This will undoubtedly be broadcast within the next five years on the USA Network, or on the Sy Fy Channel…and I’ll probably stop what I’m doing to re-watch it.

Rating: B-

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